Make a Shortcut to Lock Your Windows Desktop by a Double Click on It

We often go here and there for a short time and remain our computer on. Some of us Window XP/Vista /7 user take an action to log off or shutdown our pc. When we act on log off our account or shutdown our system all process and running application are killed or terminated by system. Some of us lock our desktop and we have to visit to find out that ‘lock’ option. It will take 5-10 seconds but today I will give you a shortcut that will take 1 second to lock your desktop.

The steps are given below to make the shortcut for lock your Windows XP/Vista/7 by a double click :

Step1: firstly you have to make a new shortcut. For this right-click on your desktop and go new>shortcut

A new window of create shortcut will come and there will be asked to type the location of the item.

Step2: copy the following text paste it in type the location of the item

C:WindowsSystem32rundll32.exe user32.dll, LockWorkStation

“type the location of the item” window

Hit next.

Step 3: just give a name of your shortcut as you like and hit Finish.

Now you will see a new shortcut in your desktop. Just double-click on that and your desktop will be locked.

Know what it is: The rundll32.exe is a program to execute program like user32.dll and LockWorkStation is smallest program in user32.dll. When someone double-click on that shortcut the LockWorkStation is executed.


Sharif Ahmed is Tech Geek from Dhaka. He loves teaching peoples on computer problems. Follow Sharif on Twitter

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