How to Pick a Technology Consultant You Can Trust

Business owners who develop a strong command of the dominant technology in their industry gain an advantage over their competitors. In an ideal world, if you are conscientious you will be able to keep pace with important developments. In the real world, keeping up with technological improvements is a full-time activity. Applying those developments to the specific requirements of a particular industry or trade further complicates the task. To gain the competitive edge, business owners need to form good working relationships with technology consultants. A qualified technology consultant will be able to guide you towards making the best decisions for your business.

Trust is an important element in your relationship with your technology consultant because of the overall importance of technology to your success. Trust is also important because it is not always apparent to non-experts how technology helps or hinders a business. It is a given that all business relations involve some degree of trust, it tends to be more significant in a field that is both complex and fast-paced. Technology is so interwoven within the daily operations of most businesses that it requires careful analysis to tease out the specific elements and assess the role they play in running the business.

Be honest with potential consultants about your technology budget. Any consultant can find countless ways in which you spend money on products or services. The best consultants will differentiate between items that would be helpful for you to have and those that are essential. The superior consultants will setup a schedule where you buy what you need in stages.

Try to accumulate information about a consulting company’s business practices from multiple sources. Observe what choices your competitors make with respect to selecting technology consultants, avoid their mistakes but learn from their successes. Gather information directly from trade group members about specific consulting companies. Pay attention to a company’s working style. Make your best judgment about whether you will be more comfortable with companies that run with military precision or those that foster a casual atmosphere. Ask about the means and the extent to which the consultants kept their clients informed throughout the process.

Businesses that have kept pace within their industry with respect to technology present different challenges than those that have fallen far behind. In some respects, if your company has lapsed, you may have more options for improvement than those who have stayed at the forefront. When you rebuild your infrastructure, you can start fresh without the constrictions of having to integrate new technology into older systems. As an example, it may not be cost effective to upgrade severely out-dated computers. Your consultant may determine that new computers offer greater reliability and the chance to use the latest software. While the total dollars you have to spend may be greater than what you would spend to upgrade your systems, the increase in efficiency will lead to greater profits.

Be prepared to give your consultant full access to your personnel and operations. Even the best technology is unproductive if you do not use it efficiently. The experts will study your operations and devise ways to optimize your personnel’s productivity. Your consultant should have an understanding of the standards for employee relations within the industry. Consultants with knowledge of pay rates and working conditions will be able to give you the best advice on whether you are compensating your staff properly. A knowledgeable consultant will also help you to develop policies and procedures to train and evaluate your employees to work with new technologies.

Discuss the consultant’s fee structure and determine each party’s role and responsibilities. Identify benchmarks and determine the consequences if the benchmarks are not met. Evaluate any guarantees that potential consultants offer about the quality of their work. Determine if they are prepared to engage in follow-up activities to support their recommendations. Assess the extent to which they will help your company to implement changes. If you agree that the consultants will implement their recommendations, ask if they rely on in-house personnel to work on your equipment or whether they hire sub-contractors for the job. Weigh all of the factors together. In most instances, you will form a clear picture of which technology consultant will work best for you.


Tom Demers writes for Zintro, marketplace of experts in various fields that helps connect investors, lawyers, analysts, entrepreneurs, and more with experts and consultants in various niches like biofuel consultants.

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