How to Manually Make a Real Best Friends List on Facebook Without Application

When you have many friends on facebook, it’s very natural to have eager to make a group or list of best friends on your facebook account so that you can interact with them particularly and easily. There are tons of facebook applications those will help you to make a list of best friends. But that is not real. Because those facebook applications only make it by looking for with which friends you are interacting most. And that list is also not save to your real friends list. So we need to do that manually. We can do that because facebook supports lists. You may know that I made an easy tutorial on how to divide your facebook friends into list. Actually that is the way of creating a custom list.

Tutorial to Make a List of Best Friends on Facebook :

Just follow to step I made with easy screenshots at how to devide your facebook friends into lists and deal with them. Using those steps, make a list of best friends manually as you want.

I have mentioned there how to hide one or multiple friends list from chat bar and send you offline from them and more. Check.


Jaber is a Programmer and Tech Enthusiast Geek from Dhaka, Bangladesh. He is the founder and Chief-Editor of TechGainer. While he is away from his keyboard, either he's fishing or messing with wildlife. In case, you can contact him at rijans[at]techgainer[dot]com.

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