How to Fake Hack and Edit any Website Using JavaScript on Your Web Browser

There is no person who never thought about hacking websites. Even nowadays every newbie also think if they could hack a website. Because hacking websites became an addictive thinking. So I was thinks about sharing this cool and interesting trick with which you can hack any website like Google, Facebook without having any programming knowledge.

So what actually it is? What’s the process? The thing is there many Java Scripts made to make websites editable on our browser. So actually you will hack a website using a JavaScript on your browser temporarily. Changes will appear until you refresh the web page. And no changes will occur on the website and it’s server.

Here is a sample of such Java Script :

JavaScript:document.body.contentEditable=’true’; document.designMode=’on’; void 0

To hack a website, first open that website on your browser then copy the above JavaScript and paste it to that site’s address bar and press enter. That website will immediately become editable. See how I hacked and edited Google.

Google is hacked and edited by me!!

Refresh the page to get the web page as original.

This is just a user(browser) side edit and temporary customization,
The code JavaScript:document.body.contentEditable=’true’; just simply makes the web page editable on your browser and lets you edit it. The code document.designMode=’on’; is also a declaration to the browser that the content should now be made Designable user side.The void 0 is just a code to avoid any browser errors.

So this is actually a fake hack which is nothing more than fun. Enjoy hacking any sites you want.


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