How to Block Spam Links From Appearing in Google Search Results in Chrome

When searching a keyword on Google we often come across many spam links. Many websites automatically pick the searched term and generate a new page containing similar results. While sometimes these links are easy to identify at other instances, they can be quite convincing. Google Search Personal Blocklist is a Chrome extension that warns against spam links and allows users to block unwanted URLs from appearing in the Google search result.

Block a link from appearing in Google search

Personal Block List is a google chrome extension developed by google. Once this plugin is installed with your chrome browser, you can block any link from appearing in your google search result by clicking on “block” link in the search results. The personal blocklist extension will transmit to Google the patterns that you choose to block. When you choose to block or unblock a pattern, the extension will also transmit to Google the URL of the web page on which the blocked or unblocked search results are displayed. You agree that Google may freely use this information to improve our products and services. Currently this extension is only available for chrome.

For several weeks Cutts and Google have been on the defense over public frustration over the proliferation of spammy SEO content farms in Google’s search results – sites that programatically generate huge volumes of SEO content for really no other reason than to appear within search results and draw traffic from Google. That content is usually poorly written and sometimes nonsensical, as site editors try to understand what people are searching for on Google and commission low-cost posts with enough keywords to show up on the first page of results. Source >>.

How to Use Personal Block List with Google Chrome Browser :

Download personal block list from here using Google chrome browser and install it when asking. After installation, it will appear in google chrome’s toolbar.

Personal block list is now installed

Now when searching on google you can block any link/domain/host by clicking on “block it“.

You can also manage blocked links by clicking on the personal block list’s addon icon.

manage blocked links

That’s all about chrome’s personal block list.


Jaber is a Programmer and Tech Enthusiast Geek from Dhaka, Bangladesh. He is the founder and Chief-Editor of TechGainer. While he is away from his keyboard, either he's fishing or messing with wildlife. In case, you can contact him at rijans[at]techgainer[dot]com.

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